He has one last hope for him …

"Help ~ ~! ! !” He screamed at the top of his voice. And with the call to release the giant bird, it suddenly stopped chasing and gave up the easy-to-get prey in front of it, but it shook its head around in indecision. Seems to detect something different. Suddenly a short figure fell from

With that, the figure instantly stretches hundreds of phantoms all over Fiona Fang with amazing speed, and while differentiating and evolving, Liu Yunyang has an overwhelming experience.

At this moment, the man in black changed a way, and the changeable way attracted Liu Yunyang’s mind and let him analyze it one by one and consume a lot of energy. Then the man in black launched a crazy attack in a chaotic way. Such LiuYunYang uncertain each other’s intentions to cope with it

How can you "pay" so much? Even those quasi-star-class factories were eaten by a quarter not far from Zhuang, and even that world-class factory was destroyed. It is enough to pay off the maintenance for many times and not far from Zhuang. Doing so can be regarded as directly paying ten times the maintenance.

After all, the sugar ball factory is not seriously injured. The "world-class factory department overhaul" was repeated by the black-robed man, and then the black-robed man rushed out with more spikes and tips. It seems that everyone in the whole skillful factory is dressed up. Black robes hide their physical characteristics, and they can’t see

This headstrong ox attribute is really abnormal, especially the "revenge mark" is very similar to the skill of meeting the blood wolf king in the novice village, and both of them can kill their opponents with one move.

Now that this boss has come out, there is no reason for Gao Rong and Grandet not to kill this monster. Be cautious and ask Gao to summon a stronger stone spirit to replace the wind spirit. Shi Ling rushed directly at the headstrong cow as if he wanted to be eager to express himself

Reward announcement: "All players who help the government resist the capture of players will receive a medal of courage and become honorary players forever."

Of course, players naturally won’t recognize this Medal of Courage as a medal, because the attributes of the Medal of Courage have been published. It turns out that this Medal of Courage is five percent resistant to all attributes. Of course, the blue sky also lamented that this Medal of Courage is even better than